Encrypted Laptop or Desktop Hard drive
It is a Widows Encrypted storage drive Recovery Service for single Laptop or Desktop. This service is required after Data is loss.
Product Information
Storage Device Capacity up to 1 TB
Drive Type IDE or SATA File System Windows TAT (Turn-Around-Time) 4-15 Working Days Type of Case 1st Case
1st Case Means: Our company is the First to access storage device whose data is loss. User or client or 3rd party has NOT tried with other recovery company or professional data recovery company or file software or data recovery tools or tempered device.
Disclaimer and Exclusion
Disclaimer Whatever data is Recovered will be Delivered. Device Warranty will be Void. Refundable, (In case of No Recovery is done)
Exclusions x Case diagnosed or checked by another Vendor. x Encrypted or Password Protected or Ransomware storage Media. x Spares / Parts Required for Data Recovery. x Pickup or Drop Serivce or Shipping Charges. x Express Service. Cases Covered
Deleted Data or File Formatted Corrupted Partition BAD Sector Slow Reading Firmware Damage PCB Damage No Spinning Tuck Tuck Noise Stuck Head Seized Motor Wrong Capacity Type of Encryption Covered
PGP SafeBoot Bit-Locker PointSec McaFee ***user need to provide tool for decryption along with decryption key.
Data Recovery Service Agreement and Guideline